Years ago, walking down the steps away from the worst job I ever had, a light bulb went off in my head; why don't I do art for work? Flash forward a few years and I spend my days helping folks realize their artistic dreams through canvas, murals, logos, and more. I have always had a knack for bringing ideas to life with my pencils pens and paints, even as a kid I would hire myelf out in school to make everyone's Christmas cards.
Through a simple description I can pull somone's dreams right out if their head with my pencil and work with them until it's just right.
Through my personal work I have come to understand the responsbility I hold in visually realizing the dreamscapes of my mind for others to see, to show them the potential of raw channeled creative source energy we are all capable of when we allow ourselves to flow without the noise of self-discouragement.
I wish for my portfolio to stand as a testemant to the creativity-fed lives we all deserve and are able of making for ourselves when we connect to the force at the source of our life's highest dreams.

"Ultimately, what I’m doing with my art is sending out a vibration that will hopefully knock somebody just slightly off-kilter, and point them in the direction of a life that they can be passionate about, a life they can love. Because love and beauty are the ultimate thing that the universe is asking us for, is to produce love. In relationships with people, in the art that we create, and the life that we live, the universe is asking for beauty and love. And if I can help someone start walking in that direction, then I’ve done my job." -David Bryan Coley
Photo credit - Byron Thompson
If you are an art lover and supporter show me the money! ha! I promise to offer some really awesome perks for your valued monthly support!